Tonights focus has been this blog. So when I got home from work we ordered a pizza, and I have been working on this while the husband plays video games. I tend to be a very analytical person so I am analyzing this blog to death. I shared with the Facebook world, but have been talking about it more in depth with some closer friends and family. It has been brought to my attention that many people associate "homemaker" with being perfect. I don't agree at all. I decided to first go to which said: a person who manages the household of his or her own family, especially as a principal occupation. I don't see the word perfect there. I also reached out to google, and the basic definition I am finding include phrases such as "manages the home" "organizes the home in day to day finances" I don't see perfect there either. I also hear people say that being a homemaker means you are lazy, thats so off base I am not going to waste my time with it beyond this sentence.
Why do so many woman stress over everything being perfect? Perfect job, perfect house, perfect wedding, perfect husband, perfect kids, perfect hair, perfect figure, perfect wardrobe. My life is not perfect and news flash neither is anyone else's, so why stress? My house is a home, it is not a magazine or a movie set. I live here with my husband and my dog. Occasionally my sister will stay here. My house can be a mess! And it can appear to be picturesque but if you looked behind those closed doors you wouldn't think so!! It took me THREE years to paint my living room, it was a bunch of patches for 3 years but oh well. We invited people over all the time, I could have cared less. I worked with what I had. Made my home beautiful, made great meals, and learned things about making a home that I would have never known before. I am always having people over and the house fills with laughter, thats a home. Not perfection.
Since I am writing a blog about it, I feel that it is really important for you as my readers to know what I as an "author" think the definition of homemaker is, so here it is: A person who works towards making a structural building that they reside in a home. A place to really enjoy. A sanctuary for them. A place to make memories. Love the people around them and get loved in return. A place to really truly live. Part of living is eating, that does not mean always cooking. Not perfection!
Also, I think its really important that while I make some pretty amazing meals, and work really hard to make this house a home, I do not do it alone. My husband Nic is really truly amazing. He cooks just as much as I do, and a lot of the times we are in the kitchen together. He does laundry and cleans just as much as I do (I am of course better and faster at it, but oh well). When I am at the sewing machine over analyzing something I just made, he comes to my rescue and makes me walk away. He will spend an entire Sunday going to 18 different stores looking for things that are burnt orange, because I decided that is the accent color for the living room, only to come home with one thing. He is an amazingly incredible man and there is no way I could do any of this without him. I thank him for all his patience, especially with this blog! (He builds websites for a living so I keep asking for his help and his opinion while he is playing Gran Turismo)
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